Mission Statement

Job 42:11, "They comforted and consoled him...and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring."

The gifts his friends gave were not his restoration; it was only a sign that God was restoring him. So too, each time you look at our jewelry, may it be a constant reminder that God is restoring the broken places in your life. Remember, God is faithful. It's a visible keepsake of His love and His restoration that is yours.

When our daughter, Gabrielle Christian Salem, went to heaven at the age of six, after a year battle with a brain tumor, we had no idea how God could use it to help anyone.  We felt like failures in our faith and our walk with God.  Little did we know that even the hardest places of brokenness God longs to use for His glory.   Three months after Gabrielle went to heaven, Cheryl was stricken with cancer, only to find a long road of healing and restoration once again.   During the following year, the Lord spoke directly to Cheryl and told her that Jesus would be coming soon, and to prepare the church.   Her first piece of jewelry was a pin that said "Jesus Is Coming".  She knew that people would wear the pin, others would read the pin, and whether thought or spoken the words "Jesus Is Coming"  would be seared into their minds.   This was the beginning of the restoration process that now after 15 years the Salem's have walked to fulfillment.   The jewelry line has grown to what you see on this web site.   May it bless you as you walk your own journey or help someone else walk their journey to the completion of restoration.